Beat The Burnout & Have More By Doing Less Using Our Proven Method in 12 Weeks!

What is it?
Freedom Mindset Academy is a 12-week transformative online course with weekly, live, small group Q&A workshops, 2 private 1:1 sessions with each coach, plus love & support from a community of people who are seeking to change their lives for the better — just like you!  
Who is it for?
Freedom Mindset Academy is for anyone who feels stuck and unfulfilled living life according to society’s standards. Whether you feel like you’ve tried everything or are just getting started, if you want more out of life and are looking to make some radical changes—this course is for you.
Where does it happen?
Freedom Mindset Academy is an online learning experience that consists of training videos, workbooks, tools, weekly Q&A workshops, and 2 private 1:1 coaching calls with our master coaches. Our user friendly training platform houses the curriculum, community dashboard & calendar.
How does it work?
Watch the videos, complete the action items, and use the provided tools and templates each week. Seek and offer support in the private community, ask questions on the live Q&A calls, get personalized strategies in your 1:1 private coaching sessions & see results! 
When does it start?
Now enrolling with limited availability! Offiical start date of the academy will be December 13, 2021. Once enrolled, you’ll have lifetime access to the content (as well as any enrichment pieces we choose to add). 
Why does it exist?
We created Freedom Mindset Academy because now, more than ever, people are feeling lost, stressed, burned out, stuck, overwhelmed, and overworked. We know people want more out of life, but society doesn’t tell us how to achieve it in a sustainable way. 


Freedom Mindset Academy Creators & Coaches:

Christine Bar Noël : High Performance Coach

Christine is a certified High Performance Coach & sustainable systems expert. Her competitive ballroom dance training led to her winning a World title at the age of 21 & building an efficient & custom lifestyle. Christine’s continued desire to challenge society standards has created magical results in her own life and those of her clients that suffer from perfectionism & feelings of not enough. Through her podcast “The Recovering Perfectionist”, Christine shares her intentional, daily & consistent habits that have empowered her to live a life on her terms….now it’s your turn!

Maggie Tatum : Empowerment Educator

Maggie is a certified Life Coach and Breathwork Facilitator. With a Master’s Degree in Education, Maggie’s coaching style emphasizes the importance of learning because knowledge truly is power. After a lifetime of checking boxes and living for other people, Maggie found herself deeply unhappy and filled with an all-encompassing desire for something more. Through deep shadow work, combined with brain science and a whole lotta self-love, Maggie found that something more that she was looking for—and she will teach you to do the same.

“5 months ago I knew I was looking for something different… I knew I was on a journey toward being a true entrepreneur and building my business from what the past would call “ashes”… I was looking for beauty in expanding my beginnings but where and who would I begin this journey with? The first person I entrusted in this journey looked more at her watch then listening to what I really had to say and I found myself missing something and yet paying for what seemed to be disconnection and lack of progress. Until the day I found something new and had my first intro call. I wasn’t quite sure what I was getting myself into. After just one conversation I already believed that there was more for me on the other side. More freedom, authenticity, and finding myself amongst the trials of what I had discovered the hard way… those things that didn’t work. Meeting Maggie and Christine was like a breath of fresh air. This team blended together like puzzle pieces to assist me in creating both the systems and wholeness that I needed to move on from disappointment into open doors and new opportunities. These ladies challenged me to face my fears and not look back, to dig deeper into unexplored areas of myself, and to create something new and authentic with my life. The self-work was challenging, but step by step it prepared me to launch my dreams and as I wrote them out and discussed them within a few months those same things manifested before my eyes into reality. The office I had put on my list, months later arrived… The “I don’t know how to’s” became “ok, maybe I can find a way” and expanded to “I can do this if I really put my mind to it.” Freedom Mindset Academy was one of the most challenging and rewarding programs I’ve ever committed to. It went beyond the normal school of thought to expand my creativity and reach into myself to pull out depths I had yet to explore. I am so grateful for Maggie and Christine and the hard work they put into this rewarding program. I am truly blessed to be a graduate and to be applying many of the tools I learned in the program everyday. Sometimes in life it is ok to sit in on a lecture, sometimes reading is what you need to learn, but there are seasons of life where you just need a team that is ready to support you through the journey, cheering you on while inspiring you to do the hard work within yourself and push yourself to limits you thought you never had. This is the type of team I found with Freedom Mindset Academy!”

- Lynn D

“Thinking back to my first call, I was so in love with my life and how far I had come, but I was in desperate need to polish and take myself to the next level. I had successfully worked to achieve a successful business, 3 healthy and active children and a husband/partner that is incredible. Yet I still felt somewhat incomplete. I needed some polishing and refining. And I needed a healthy reminder that less is often MORE. Christine & Maggie opened my eyes to the value of coaching and provided me with accountability, tools and resources. They gave me more awareness of where I was giving in to my employee mindset and intentional action steps to own my CEO mindset. Living with ease was finally a reality and that looked like me hiring more staff and an assistant to delegate my workload, which helped me reach my goal of finishing work at 3:15pm everyday to pick up my kids at school & spend more time with them. My morning & evening routine has been optimized for the best results and my husband said he’s never seen me so dialed in! THIS IS THE WORK and it’s working! Having a coach for the rest of my life is now a non-negotiable and I feel like I can finally do all the things that fall into my core values with ease and organization, plus still have time to fill my own cup. I’ve learned how to say no to people & things that are not aligned with my value pillars. I’ve become a stronger leader, wife and mother I can be proud of and I’m so grateful for Freedom Mindset Academy & the guidance I received to live my life with ease.”

-Heather S

“When I first started working with Maggie &. Christine, I was trying to do everything all at the same time. I was overworked doing something I didn’t enjoy, trying to be there for everyone that needed me, all while getting my business off the ground. This academy & work allowed me to realize that we can reprogram our brain to work FOR us and not against us. I was conditioned to think that the more I work, the more I get done and the more I am there for people, the more I am worth….but that is not sustainable or healthy. The reason this work was so effective and eye-opening for me was because it was exactly what I needed to hear at this place in my life. I am so grateful for the opportunity that this academy gave me to open my mind. I am now able to set boundaries with those around me, see and value my worth and truly show up in the world as my best self without seeking approval from others. A feeling that is both amazing and transformative!”

-Idalia H


In 12 weeks, you’ll recover from burnout, transform your life through sustainable habits and self love healing. You’ll take a deep dive into habitual behavior, shame, worthiness, and reframing limiting beliefs that are holding you back. You’ll learn how to control your mind with exercises and techniques that will allow you to have more by doing less.

WEEK 1 : It's Not You, It's Me - Your Brain

Why Creating Change In The Past Hasn’t Worked

The Science Of Burnout & Stress

The Science Of Wanting

Why Willpower Doesn’t Work 

The Inner Voice And Self Compassion 

How To Be Better Thinkers

The Science Of Brain Plasticity

Concept Of Eudaimonia

WEEK 2 : The INERGY Method

Our Proven Method

Step 1: Identify The Cause

Step 2: Name the Desired Feeling

Step 3: Establish Control

Step 4: Rewrite the Belief

Step 5: Generate Sustainable Habits

Step 6: You Execute With Consistency

WEEK 3 : Challenging Identity, Ego & Old Beliefs (Self-Knowing)

Defining Identity – The Ego

Defining Identity – “Who Am I?” (Challenging beliefs about who we are-who we believe we are)

Living for other people vs. living authentically 

Who do I want to be? Name the Desired Feeling (Creating a compelling future) identity shapeshifting

Identifying the Cause Rewriting Limiting Beliefs

WEEK 4 : Building Sustainable Habits & Systems

What Are Habits?

The N.O.E.L Method 

Step 1: Define the Goal

Step 2: Eliminate Distractions

Step 3: Develop a Consistent Routine

Step 4: Optimize with Aligned Action

Step 5: Solidify the System 

Rewiring Bad Habits

How To Stack Habits

WEEK 5 : Our Emotional World & Numbing

Defining Emotions

Working with Emotions

How and Why We Numb

Defining What is in My Control

WEEK 6 : Intentional & Sustainable Living

Resolutions vs. Intentions

Becoming An Essentialist

Crafting Your Morning & Evening Routines

Our Digital World 

Work Smart, Build Systems 

Professional Travel Hacks

How To Organize Your Day

WEEK 7 : Understanding & Embodying Our Worthiness

Defining “I’m Not Enough”

Rewriting “I’m Not Enough”

Embodying Worthiness

WEEK 8 : Quantum Mindset

Why Isn’t This Taught In School?

A Belief Is Born

Your Ego vs. Your Higher Self

Managing Your Downside

Will Power

Identity Crisis 

Energy Management

Procrastination Cycles

Be Curious But Stay Focused

Rewiring Your Mind 

Accountability Mentors & Coaches

WEEK 9 : Shame & The Alchemy Of Forgiveness

Defining Shame

Confronting Shame

Forgiving Ourselves and Others

WEEK 10 : Perfectionism

Most Common Beliefs of Perfectionists

Breaking Cycles of Perfection

Permission To Say No

White Space

Stay Open, Leave Room For Magic

Progress not Perfection

Lessons & Redirections

The 3 Types Of Perfectionists

Recovering Perfectionist Podcast

WEEK 11 : The Performance Pyramid

The Power Of Good Sleep

Supplements & Superfoods 

Move Your Body

Environmental Impact

Stay Focused

Tools & Strategies

How Do You Show Up In The World?

WEEK 12 : Cultivating Self Love

Monitoring Internal Dialogue

Conscious Kindness for the Self

Creating a Self-Love Practice

“I’m not someone who tends to reach out or ask for help – I usually never need to. In my professional career as a project manager, I usually ‘have it all figured out’. But the reality was I was EXHAUSTED! My work and home schedule was crazy and overwhelming, and I felt like I wasn’t as in control of my life as I used to be and as I wanted to continue to be. I also realized that I was starting to have feelings of wanting more out of my professional life. Having always made everything come together and work throughout my life, I put a lot of pressure on myself to continue to ‘make it work’ as my life took on more complexities after marriage, children, and a masters program entered the picture; and my sleep is what took a major toll. This started to impact my physical health and that’s when I realized I wasn’t actually living the life I wanted. As I wasn’t creating that life on my own, I had to concede that I could probably use some help. I saw Christine’s post about a FREE Clarity Call and thought, what do I have to lose? On the call, Christine explained how she would help me organize my schedule and create better systems that would help me not to compromise my sleep, and help me optimize my life again despite how crazy it had gotten. I might be able to experience more of what I felt like I was missing… rest & fun! Once in the academy, I learned how to pool my resources, not try to do everything on my own, have more accountability, and create sustainable systems. I finally started getting more than 5 hours of sleep every night, and there was no going back! Learning how to value my sleep schedule alone has been worth its weight in gold. My thinking started changing and what I was willing to accept for myself took a major shift. Because of my declaration of my desire for more freedom and fulfillment, the universe delivered a career-changing opportunity that I never would have even considered had it not been for this program’s guidance. I realized through this curriculum that I was identifying myself with my high-ranking job and checking all the boxes to be the best I could be. Today I am doing morning walks with my family, reading more, and most importantly, giving myself so much more grace. I’m appreciating the “bite-sized” approach to life and joyfully building my financial services business as a proud entrepreneur. This academy was a game-changer. I have the tools to go back, when I need, and remind myself of key messages that have helped me create my dream lifestyle….PROGRESS NOT PERFECTION. I’m so thankful for this experience and the life-changing tools and guidance.”

-M'balia T

“I am a new business owner as of 2020 and have also had a full time job for over 13 years to help fund my business and personal endeavors. Over the course of the last few years I’ve felt extremely STUCK and thats when a friend reached out and introduced me to Freedom Mindset Academy. These two ladies have helped me so much both personally and professionally. I’ve found out that I’m a people pleaser and tend to give more than I should, of myself, to others in order to help them pursue their happiness. Even though helping others makes me happy, I’ve learned that it’s ok to say NO. I have created healthy boundaries with my family and friends so that I can take ‘me time’ and focus on pursuing my goals and happiness as well. They have also helped me to understand, in my business, who my customer is and discovering my WHY. What made this different from other programs was the perfect combination of personal and professional development, because they constantly effect each other and most programs only focus on one area of your life. I’m so glad to have met Christine & Maggie and have had the opportunity to grow through this wonderful experience.”

-Arielle B

“The pandemic made me reevaluate my career path and I reconnected with my passion for mental health and fitness. I got certified as a health coach and had so many visions of how I wanted my life to look, but no idea how to get there. My certification gave me a lot of tools and credibility, but no action steps for proper execution. I literally had no idea how to be a functioning human as an entrepreneur or build a successful coaching business with a sustainable lifestyle around it. I hopped on the free clarity call with doubts that it would be a fit and realized this academy was everything I needed in my life right now because Christine & Maggie just understood where I wanted to be and had the strategies to get me there from big mindset shifts to daily technical habits. The main thing I was looking for in a coach/program, was someone who was living the lifestyle I desired to create and knew how to help me create my own custom life that didn’t necessarily fit in society’s box and they were fully doing that. One week into launching my health coaching business I signed 5 clients! Having someone fully believe in my vision made it a reality and the mindset, habits, systems and strategies that I learned allowed me to build my dream life!”

-Megan F